Start of something
Something new for 2008. A few things. Like the giant red blossoms on this plant that we have kept alive for exactly one year today. {Seriously, this is no small accomplishment as far as I am concerned. Acrylic paint does not make me a green thumb.} And some pretty branches instead of polka dots. But never fear: there is still pink.
There’s a funny little addition over at the side…one a few little projects I am hoping to work on throughout 2008…Kitchen Diaries. It’s separated off from the main page because the diary will be its own little story, and I want it just so, all in one place. I won’t explain too much here, since there is a lengthy explanation to start the diary anyway, but just know the main page won’t turn into a food blog. If you like the idea of following along, then lovely. If not, you can ignore it and we will all be blissfully happy about the situation.
There are a few other little projects that will grow day by day. One involves the Autumn Leaves calendar and a great deal of aging scrapbook supplies. I think I’ll tell you a little more about that one tomorrow.
The last one starts with the photo above. I’ve always tried to take a picture every day but I’ve never actually put a label to the activity, so I’m not sure how many days I have missed…and I am not going to trawl through my hard drive to find out. I’m just going to start for 2008 and see how long I go until I mess up and miss a day. So far, 1 for 1 is just fine.
2007 was definitely unlike any other year for me. May 2008 be kind, generous and peaceful to us all.
PS: Yes, there are few little creases to iron out on the site in the next day or so. If you run into something that doesn’t look quite right, just consider it a non-millennium bug or a special feature of sorts. It’ll get fixed.
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Next post: The story of the special paper
Previous post: Counting down

2 January 2008, 01:54
Gorgeous new site – and I love the kitchen diary. happy new year.
2 January 2008, 03:41
Happy new year. All the best for a fab 2008, full of excitement and many adventures along the way I’m sure x
2 January 2008, 03:58
Lovely pic. I’m torn between the pic-a-day thing, actually crafting-a-day and jotting down pieces-of-me a-day!! As long as we’re capturing – it’s all good!
2 January 2008, 06:07
I love your new site and very much like the idea of the Kitchen Diary, can’t wait to watch it grow x
2 January 2008, 06:35
Have a brilliant New Year Shimelle!!! :D Love the new look! :D
2 January 2008, 08:17
I am love, love, lovin’ the new look blog :) The kitchen diary section is great too. More reasons for my to stalk this place! LOL.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, and anyone else reading.
Let’s hope 2008 proves to be a good one all round.
love M
2 January 2008, 08:40
Oh, very pretty…
Funnily enough, I was just thinking I would like to try the pic a day thing this year. i really didnt’ take enough photos in 2007 and I want to make sure I take more this year.
I am off to check out the kitchen diary now.
2 January 2008, 08:54
I love the new site, it is so refreshing. I can’t wait to see what you have planned. Happy New Year.
2 January 2008, 09:04
Loving the new look, it’s fab!
Can’t wait to hear details of your new class!
2 January 2008, 11:32
Great new site, Shimelle! Excited about the new projects you have planned for ‘08. Happy New Year to all!
P.S. The Christmas journal was wonderful this year. Now to learn how to upload, post, etc., etc.
2 January 2008, 13:20
Lovely new home! Your layout is peaceful looking to me and your writing, as always, draws me in. The Kitchen Diaries is fabulous! You just never cease to inspire, Shimelle. Thank you!
2 January 2008, 16:59
Love the new look, is nice and clean. Looking forward to reading more of your kitchen diaries.
2 January 2008, 21:57
this is so lovely- the whole thing so very wondermous!
3 January 2008, 06:18
Really loving the new site LO and can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us over the next few months.
3 January 2008, 08:28
You have inspired me to try to take a photo a day throughout the year, so far so good!! lol
3 January 2008, 13:06
Love the new look and the kitchen diary (have you read Nigel Slater’s autobiography “Toast”? – I loved it) and can’t wait for the shop to open – Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket!
4 January 2008, 18:22
I’m liking the new site look! I thought I was on the wrong website when I first loaded it up because it’s so much different from the old look!