So they say a picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Then what about ten pictures?
On Monday, you can sign up for a new online class for summer. You’ll need ten pictures. Not necessarily ten thousand words.
Also on Monday, you can see the first sneak peek of the actual project here.
But better yet: some lucky person who comments on this post any time between now and the sneak peek on Monday, will win five free passes on this class. You + four friends. You + your two sisters + your mum + your grandma. You + your other half + some wonderfully cool couple you both know. You + any four people you know that also have ten photos!
See you here on Monday!
Read more about:
Next post: A picture is worth a thousand words...
Previous post: Growing wings

12 July 2007, 16:09
Oh, I can’t wait to see what the new project is!
12 July 2007, 16:09
Congrats on your career shift!! I cannot wait to see what you come up with.
I can come up with ten pictures in a heartbeat!
12 July 2007, 16:10
Oh how very exciting, can’t wait to find out more :)
12 July 2007, 16:10
Looking forward to your class! Congrats on being a “full-time scrapbooker”!
12 July 2007, 16:12
oooh! I have been waiting for a new Shimelle class! I went to Paris last month and wanted to make something special with the photos I took, I hope they will translate well into this class! Yay!
12 July 2007, 16:20
how exciting
12 July 2007, 16:25
So exciting – and 5 free places – wow!!
12 July 2007, 16:26
Looking forward to Monday… (Not too often i say that…LOL…) Can’t wait to find out more.
Love Angie..xx..
12 July 2007, 16:27
I can’t wait to see the new project that you have planed and I love the swan photo!
12 July 2007, 16:31
Roll on Monday :)
12 July 2007, 16:31
Can’t wait to see what the new project is!
12 July 2007, 16:37
Yeah! A new class! And congratulations on your new career. :)
12 July 2007, 16:38
Well, in magazine workshops I’ve attended, they say two pictures are worth 500 words, 3 worth 333, 4 worth 250. But I’m sure that’s because they’ve never taken a class with you! :)
12 July 2007, 16:38
I can’t wait to hear more about your class!
12 July 2007, 16:39
Wow, can’t wait to see what the project is! Sure you don’t want to give us a sneak peak sooner? LOL!
12 July 2007, 16:40
Ooh, I’m intrigued!! I bet I could find 10 cool photos… congratulations on your career change!
12 July 2007, 16:43
tell us more… cant wait x
12 July 2007, 16:44
I have 10 pictures! I wanna play :)
12 July 2007, 16:46
Ohhhhhh I have been waiting for another fab mojo boost from yourself!V excited!
12 July 2007, 16:48
pick me, pick me! I just finished a layout built on little squares and love how it turned out. Would love to get your take on it!
12 July 2007, 16:54
This is going to be fun – can’t wait till Monday!
12 July 2007, 17:01
flower. tope left. I SO TOOK THAT.
Wow. Me = impressed.
12 July 2007, 17:03
If i comment more than once is there more chance of winning??
12 July 2007, 17:03
Stash of photos waiting just for this. (Sign posted from Cheryls on line photo course).
12 July 2007, 17:07
Sounds a great way to use all the pics I’ve taken on Cheryl’s(wonderful) course
12 July 2007, 17:15
All the best with the new venture Shimelle – but don’t let the fact that scrapping is now your job make it any less fun :)
12 July 2007, 17:16
How cool I have been wondering when you were going to have another class. Can’t wait to see some info and would love to share with four of my friends.
12 July 2007, 17:21
This should be fun…so the next question Shimelle is when’s your own range coming out??
12 July 2007, 17:24
How can we not comment with an offer like that?! LOL. I think I’d have trouble limiting myself to 10 photos, not finding them. Can’t wait for the sneak peak of the class. love M
12 July 2007, 17:28
Yay for you gurl!! So brave and so pleased that you’re going to be doing a new class on Monday, just in time for my summer hols too!!
12 July 2007, 17:30
ooohhhh!!!! interesting!!!!! Can I wait until Monday??
12 July 2007, 17:30
Oooh, I have been waiting to see what you had up your sleeve for a while!!! I can’t wait to see what the project is!!!
12 July 2007, 17:31
Oh I can’t wait to see what the class is! :-)
12 July 2007, 17:36
Smashing -just in time fr my break perhaps I keep up this time fingers crossed. Looking forward to monday
12 July 2007, 17:37
So excited for this new summer class!!! :)
12 July 2007, 17:40
So glad to see you blogging again…missed you. Congrats on your new career move…sounds exciting. Looking forward to seeing the sneak peek on Monday.
12 July 2007, 17:40
Wow! That would be a lot of fun!
12 July 2007, 17:40
Hey Shimelle, cant wait to do this class. It would be even better if I could ask four buds to join me free of charge! Please pop me in the draw. Well done for living the dream. I hope all goes well with your new adventures! Karenxx PS lovely scrapagogo photo of L and J and Ann!!
12 July 2007, 17:44
Very excited to see the new project!!!
12 July 2007, 17:50
I am totally excited at the thought of another Shimelle class!!! LOVED the Christmas one. It is Winter here now so it would be nice to revisit Summer and let the memories warm me!
12 July 2007, 17:55
you dream up the coolest classes shimelle. i wish you taught in canada.
12 July 2007, 18:01
Yay! I’ve never taken an online class of yours and I was waiting for another one to come along! Cannot wait!
12 July 2007, 18:02
Now how am I going to choose just 10 photo’s after all the ones I’ve been taking over the last 9 weeks!!!! But I will…looking forward to doing another of your classes
12 July 2007, 18:04
Oh, this has me intrigued! I love the concepts of these online classes.
12 July 2007, 18:05
How wonderful to get to do what you love! Good luck with it. Love your classes, will definitely join up
12 July 2007, 18:10
Yay – can’t wait to check out the new class. :)
12 July 2007, 18:13
Shimelle Would love to do this class but on Monday I am in Donegal with no interent access for 2 weeks! Can I still join when I come back?
12 July 2007, 18:13
Wow – now this sounds like a project thats down my street!
12 July 2007, 18:14
I love the sound of this class! And congrats on your career move… I’m sure you will LOVE it! (I know we will!)
12 July 2007, 18:16
Can’t wait for the sneak peek!
12 July 2007, 18:16
Love your classes! This one sounds fabulous too!
12 July 2007, 18:19
oh really? you’re so nice! and I’m very proud of you for taking this courageous step in life. rock on!
12 July 2007, 18:20
oh i can’t wait to see the sneak peek!
you are amazing.
12 July 2007, 18:21
Hmmmm, 10 pics. I am sure I can come up with them:
1. pic of my daughter
2. pic of my daughter and cat
3. pic of my daughter
4. pic of my daughter and cat
5 – 10 and so on, and so on
thanks for the opportunity to take another great class from you!
12 July 2007, 18:22
sounds very intriguing
12 July 2007, 18:25
Yay, this sounds great, can’t wait to join up! :)
12 July 2007, 18:26
I check your blog regularly for my UK-fix… we moved back to the US almost 2 yrs ago and I still have not readjusted! Love all the little glimpses of Britain you share. sigh Looking forward to seeing the details on the new class!
12 July 2007, 18:28
Good luck Shimelle
Class sounds really interesting can’t wait for Monday for the sneak peak.
12 July 2007, 18:29
Ooooh fun! I can’t wait to see the sneak peek!
12 July 2007, 18:31
A new class? count me in for sure – 10 photos being printed as I speak! Cannot wait!
12 July 2007, 18:33
Nadine – you’ll just have to do like this Canadian and move to London!
Shimelle – excited to be part of your first post-going-pro project!
12 July 2007, 18:34
Sounds very cool and interesting!
Love your style!
12 July 2007, 18:38
Good luck with your new career, you’ll be fantastic :-) I’m very much looking forward to the new class.
Hugs. Jxx
12 July 2007, 18:41
Congrats on the career move, am sure it will all work out well for you. Looking forward to the new class.
12 July 2007, 18:49
I love your ten photos and can’t wait to see the project with them. I also love your cupcake photos…I drool over my computer every time.
12 July 2007, 18:50
I’d love to included in your draw, thanks!
12 July 2007, 18:51
Ooh very interesting – look forward to checking back on Monday!
Have a fabby weekend xxx
12 July 2007, 18:52
10 pics, no problem I have at least a hundred times that I love!!
12 July 2007, 18:53
I’m sooo looking forward to what you’ll be coming up with!!!
12 July 2007, 18:53
sounds exciting!!
12 July 2007, 18:59
wow that sounds like fun! love the randomness of those ten pics :)
12 July 2007, 18:59
Great – just what I need – a new class!!
12 July 2007, 19:00
Sounds like fun!! Need to scrounge up 10 photos … do they need to go together, like a theme, or is it just any 10 we like?
12 July 2007, 19:01
i’ve always been interested in your classes. sounds fun!
12 July 2007, 19:10
Congrats on your new career. SO EXCITED for you.How easy can I come up with 10 photo’s??? Quite easily, I’ve just done Cheryl’s fabby photography course and this seems like the best way to preserve the brilliant photo’s that I never thought I would be able to take. BTW LOVE your cupcakes, my mouth waters just looking at the gorgeous pics of them. Hey I must make some so I can take my own pics of them, if they last long enough for that LOL
12 July 2007, 19:13
How super-exciting … sounds like a lot of fun again – can’t wait to the Sneaky and further Details on this :)
12 July 2007, 19:13
please count me in for your lovely give-away. :)
happy summer to you!
12 July 2007, 19:14
Congrats on taking the plunge and becoming a professional scrapbooker! Looking forward to seeing what your new project is :o)
12 July 2007, 19:16
Taking a leap of faith is so exciting and terrifying all at the same time! Congratulations, you’ve got awesome talents and abilities, and I wish you all the luck you need!
12 July 2007, 19:39
I learned about your classes on SJ. Very excited to try one out.
12 July 2007, 19:43
A new class – yay! Will have to try to make the budget stretch to it. And congrats on the big decision; you’ll do just fine!
12 July 2007, 19:53
A new project?? Sounds exciting! xxxx
12 July 2007, 19:58
Yay!! A new class. :) Congrats on all the changes happening with you lately!
12 July 2007, 20:04
whoooohoooo – can’t wait until monday … i’m looking forward my first shimelle class. oh, and congrats on your new carreer! i wish you all the luck & energy, you need. bye, jazzica
12 July 2007, 20:08
I can’t wait to see the class on Monday. My hubby is off for summer and I’m hoping this a project we can do together!
12 July 2007, 20:11
You must be so excited to be going into freelance work full-time – a huge step but so much fun! Jenny
12 July 2007, 20:16
Can’t wait to see about the new class!
12 July 2007, 20:30
I’m intrigued:) Can’t wait.
12 July 2007, 20:33
Sounds like too much fun :) I’d love to play with you and four of my friends!
12 July 2007, 20:38
Wahoo… so excited you are back and here to stay!!!
12 July 2007, 20:39
I can’t wait to see the sneak peek :))
12 July 2007, 20:51
Congratualtions on your decision to do what you love full time :) Looking forward to finding out more about your latest class! xxx
12 July 2007, 20:57
Hi Shimelle
I am very excited about your new class. Still showing everyone my “when I grow up” mini book. Look forward to the sneak peeks.
I admire your big career change. I did the same thing here in Australia – deciding I wanted to do more than teaching. I have never looked back (ok maybe little peaks back) and I hope you have a great experience too.
Carol :-)
12 July 2007, 21:05
I am so happy you’re having another class! I can’t wait. Even if I don’t win, I’ll be there!
12 July 2007, 21:27
I’m excited about the new project. How sweet of you to do this little drawing!
12 July 2007, 21:28
Congratulations on your awesome choice to do professional scrapbooking, Shimelle! I am 18 years old, I live in Michigan, US – and I just made the choice to study graphic design in college, with the intentions of eventaully being a professional scrapbooker! When I tell people that, they’re like – “What?!” Haha. But I wish you the best of luck in your new adventure, and I am so excited for this class!
12 July 2007, 21:28
Can not wait to see the new project!
12 July 2007, 21:32
OOOOOOOOOhhhhh, this sounds so GREAT! Can’t wait to take another class from you Shimelle!
12 July 2007, 21:37
another shimelle class – i can’t wait!
12 July 2007, 21:45
Oh I am very excited to see your new class! I had such fun with the mini-book you showed on the Fiskars site!! I think I have made about four of them using similar formats.
Thanks for all you do! :)
12 July 2007, 21:46
Can’t wait to find out more about the class!!
12 July 2007, 21:56
sounds like fun!
12 July 2007, 21:57
I can’t wait for your next class!!
12 July 2007, 22:01
Congrats on your carrer change and count me in for the new online class.
10 photos would be very easy for me but 5 friends (should I win)? Nah just kidding.
12 July 2007, 22:02
Yaaaaayh!!! can hardly wait for Monday.
12 July 2007, 22:12
Finally! Another Shimelle class! Shimelle, I love your classes and I’d be oh so happy to share it with a few people! Ohhhhh…I hope I win…....
12 July 2007, 22:47
Can’t wait to see what’s coming. I love the two photos of the coffee and the swan.
12 July 2007, 22:53
can’t wait to learn more about it!
12 July 2007, 23:08
I’ve heard lots of good reports about your classes that I thought I might do one myself.
12 July 2007, 23:10
sounds like fun!!!!
i think i could scrounge up 10 pictures ;-)
12 July 2007, 23:12
Love new classes!
Love surprises!
Hate waiting!
12 July 2007, 23:41
You are amazing! I can’t keep up with your projects when your classes and projects are the second job; now you are going to be way out in front of me. Still, I enjoy trying.
Congrats, by the way, on your choice to make this a career. I’m excited for you and can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
13 July 2007, 01:12
Yeah! New class! Sounds like fun!
13 July 2007, 02:01
I want five free passes! I love your classes…dawn
13 July 2007, 02:16
10 photos, I can find that many. Perhaps I can track down 10 photos from Matthew’s school French trip from other parents as Matthew took almost no photos.
13 July 2007, 02:46
Love it, can’t wait.
13 July 2007, 02:48
I never win anything so here I am with crossed fingers and toes.
Glad to see you finally made the leap, Coffee @ Starbucks when ever you feel like it.
13 July 2007, 03:05
Ooh the new project sounds exciting! Congrats on taking the plunge fulltime!
13 July 2007, 03:09
Wow this sounds like so much fun, I will be sure to check in on monday!
13 July 2007, 03:28
Ooh… Another class, I cant wait!!! I love the fact that I will only need 10 photos :) Roll on monday and signing up!!!
13 July 2007, 04:34
Hiya. lovin’ ya work.
Good Luck on your life changing, venture… you will wish you had done it earlier! I cant wait for more from you!
13 July 2007, 04:42
Sounds like a great class. Can’t wait for Monday!!
13 July 2007, 04:47
Being very new to scrapbooking I took up Cheryl’s online photography course and now have dozens of photos that I haven’t a clue what to do with !! Looking forward to learning something else – and I hated school – oh and what is textile ? should I have used it…..
13 July 2007, 04:47
How cool is this!!!
The 10 pics are easy the 4 friends now that would be difficult :(
13 July 2007, 04:49
Class sounds good, but Im on hol on Monday for two weeks. When is the cut-off date for sign up?
13 July 2007, 05:08
Really looking forward to finding out more about the class. Also wishing you all the best in your new career!
13 July 2007, 05:30
Oooh, why do you have to tease us like that. . . giving such a tiny hint, then making us wait for the rest!!! Looking forward to seeing what it’s all about . . .now better dig out 10 photos . . .
13 July 2007, 05:32
Shimelle, i am so excited! My first scrapbooking class- i cant wait to join in.
abs x
13 July 2007, 05:49
superlicious! This project looks fab… I am looking forward to checking back on Monday and will have my piccies ready :)
13 July 2007, 05:56
Oooh sounds totally fun! What a great start to the summer, now all we need is the the weather to kick in!
13 July 2007, 06:08
Congrats on the change of career!! cant wait to see the sneak peek!! xx
13 July 2007, 06:21
Ooo tell me more! Can’t wait to find out about your new Summer class – 10 photos? no problem!
13 July 2007, 06:29
wahoo- is this your first class as a “professional scrapbooker”?? Good luck- hope is as great as the last one I did- and 10 photos- should be able to find 10- trouble will be reducing to 10!
13 July 2007, 06:51
Sounds fabby, am uber keen to get involved x x
13 July 2007, 06:55
How tempting is this LOL! It could be just the project we need to turn all the photos we took in Cheryl’s Painting with Light course into a great scrapbooking keepsake. Can’t wait to see the class ….
13 July 2007, 06:58
Will be signing up for this, cannot wait
13 July 2007, 07:01
Great, another class. And congratulations on your career move!
13 July 2007, 07:05
Ooh, how exciting. I’ve been stalking your site waiting for new classes.
Wishing you all the best with your new venture xx
13 July 2007, 07:06
Fab! Another class, can’t wait :D
13 July 2007, 07:10
13 July 2007, 07:20
Just completing Cheryl’s Online Photography Course…10 moudules…this will be great to create a record of how I progressed through the course and make sure my pictures are on show for everyone to see!!!
Looking forward to the sneaky peek!!
Good luck with everything!
Bernie X
13 July 2007, 07:29
Another one whose just completing Cheryl’s photography class and so your new class might be just what I need to showcase those photos. Can’t wait ‘til Monday for a sneak peek.
13 July 2007, 07:55
Have never done one of your courses before (I’m a newbie scrapbooker) so looking forward to signing up!
13 July 2007, 07:55
I may look at this class, looks interesting!!
13 July 2007, 07:56
Oh boy, I can use some of those photos I seem to hoard! Cant wait. Cindy
13 July 2007, 07:56
Im just finishing Cheryl’s classes too and I’ll be a bit lost, so this could be just the thing to start using up all the photos I’ve piled up.
13 July 2007, 07:57
Have sooo many photos – could I narrow them down to 10. This project sounds fab! Jo
13 July 2007, 08:03
sounds like a great class – can’t wait :)
13 July 2007, 08:13
10 photos won’t be a problem! Can’t wait to see what the new project is
13 July 2007, 08:17
10 photos – not a problem here. Looking forward to the sneak peak and class.
13 July 2007, 08:49
fun, fun, fun, cant wait to see what you come up with next!!
13 July 2007, 08:53
Good Morning!!!
I’m sure I can come up with 5 friends!!
13 July 2007, 08:58
So excited about your new career prospects – why won’t someone pay me to scrap LOL!
Good luck, and looking forward to next weeks class.
Jo x
13 July 2007, 09:20
Eeee can’t wait… just love your classes.. :D
13 July 2007, 09:22
oh! i want to play too. but fear i wouldn’t be able to attend in person (much less with 4 other friends). but interested to know what you’ll be doing nonetheless :)
13 July 2007, 09:31
Hi just finishing Cheryls photo class so can easily come up with 10 pics and 4 friends. All the best for your new career.
13 July 2007, 09:33
I want to win five passes! Please pick me because I love cupcakes and I love your FLAIR for life!
13 July 2007, 09:36
oh this sounds fun.
and to do it along side my friends…yipee!!
13 July 2007, 09:45
I have 10 photos!
13 July 2007, 09:48
Must be about time I signed up for a Shimelle class… :D This looks fun!
13 July 2007, 09:56
Cool! Can’t wait to see your project!
13 July 2007, 10:10
Yoohoo!!! Another Shimelle class … can’t wait!!! :D
13 July 2007, 10:42
Ooooh, another Shimelle class, well I have 10 (and the rest) photos waiting!
13 July 2007, 10:59
omgosh! how exciting for you…class sounds fab, cant wait x
13 July 2007, 11:09
Congrats on your new career! You’ll do great ;-) The project sounds really exciting!
13 July 2007, 11:25
This sounds exciting, can’t wait to see a sneak peek. Good luck with everything Shimelle x
13 July 2007, 11:34
Hi Shimelle, I would like to write an article that includes a feature on you & your online classes for Scrapbook Dimensions. Please contact me so we can set up an interview! Thanks!
13 July 2007, 11:54
I can’t wait for this class…it will be fabulous I am sure!
13 July 2007, 11:55
Congrats on the career change! How exciting! Can’t wait to find out more about this class! :)
13 July 2007, 12:01
OOHH! pick me! pick me! I love your classes.
13 July 2007, 12:35
Excellent news – can’t wait for new class!
13 July 2007, 12:41
Yippee – need to showcase the feelgood course pic’s – thanks Shim, i look forward to be inspired again x
13 July 2007, 12:43
Congrats on your careeer move, I wish you nothing but success! Looking forward to the upcoming class, sounds divine! :)
13 July 2007, 12:46
Ten photos – ace!!
Check out Ann – so she’s a cupcake angel hehe!!
13 July 2007, 12:52
Looking forward to finding out the details of the class – roll on Monday!!!
13 July 2007, 13:07
I’ve never taken one of your classes before, but love your work. I’m so excited to see the new project and you’re so generous to let some take it for free!
13 July 2007, 13:16
Loving the sound of the new class. Can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with this time. I’d love to enter the draw for the free places please :)
13 July 2007, 14:02
Sounds great, I have so many photos to choose from.
Good luck on your career change
13 July 2007, 14:04
Looking forward to seeing the sneak preview of the class. Good luck on the career change!
13 July 2007, 14:09
Ooh my likey the sounds of this one – cant wait! x
13 July 2007, 14:53
Just like Donkey says in the film Shrek “Ooooh, pick me, pick me!”
13 July 2007, 14:57
Congratulations on going full time, I really enjoy your blog and work inspirationally.
13 July 2007, 15:04
looking forward to the new class…can’t wait to see the sneak peek
13 July 2007, 15:15
Congratulations on your career change, how wonderful to start something new, something that you love. Best of luck to you!
13 July 2007, 15:18
Shimelle, much luck on the new career path…I wish I could be so lucky, but nothing of the sort right now.
Can’t wait to see the new class…I’m sure I’ll be signing up, like usual!!!
13 July 2007, 15:23
Its so nice to read such possitive entries! I am so excited for you, you deserve all these wonderful oppertunities that are flying your way!
Goodluck and I cannot wait to see more classes from you. xx
13 July 2007, 15:24
I’m intrigued by your photos; such a fun collection of glimpses. They got my brain cells churning and excited over capturing 10 “happy thoughts” this weekend. Thanks!
13 July 2007, 15:35
Can’t wait to see the project!
13 July 2007, 15:44
thanks for being so generous, shimelle. i can’t wait to see what cool little book idea you’ve came up with. i kinda miss them… haven’t seen them for a million years.
13 July 2007, 16:12
Congratulations on your fantastic news, well deserved and amazing, how exciting.
Cant wait to see the new class. Someone is going to be soooooooooo lucky, thanks for sharing
13 July 2007, 17:34
Whoo hooo! Congrats on your new adventure!!!
13 July 2007, 18:04
Posting to say I can’t wait for another Shim class and I am so excited for you leaving teaching (wish I could) in the traditional sense and that you are following your dream
All the luck, success and happiness in the world xx
13 July 2007, 19:11
Oh, I can hardly wait until Monday(a sneak peek won’t be enough!)
Congrats on the career change, and for having the courage to do it, you’ll never have to say “I wish I’d tried…”
13 July 2007, 19:25
I will probably have 10 photos of Monty, more like 10,000 but hey!
13 July 2007, 19:29
I would love a free class (or4);o)
13 July 2007, 19:59
Cant wait to see the details of the new class!
13 July 2007, 20:27
Waving from across the pond on the unluckiest day…
13 July 2007, 20:29
Sounds so fun!
13 July 2007, 20:43
10 photos stacked and waiting! I’ve heard wonderful things about your classes so can’t wait until Monday!
13 July 2007, 21:30
OMG! That beautiful gift! Difficultly the luck comes to my, but we will try! Congratulations again, from Mexico!
13 July 2007, 21:58
I am so glad you are back to blogging! I cannot wait to learn about your new class!
13 July 2007, 22:22
I am so excited – this will be my first online class!
13 July 2007, 22:57
Congrats on your new direction. You can be my new hero! Wish I had the “what it takes” to start fresh!
Stupid “Q” of the day: You don’t have to be based in the UK to participate, do you?
13 July 2007, 23:08
Hey, I’ve never gotten to take one of your classes but I love the ones I’ve seen! Oh, and congrats on taking the leap to do what you want!!
13 July 2007, 23:13
You are so brave and inspiring to be making these changes. I can’t wait to hear about your new class and the other things you’ll be doing (plus I love the cupcake pictures).
13 July 2007, 23:27
Oohhh this class sounds very intriging!!! Would love to join… cant wait to see the sneak peaks on Monday!!
13 July 2007, 23:54
I just love your creativity and your cupcake pictures. I would really like to try your recipes but don’t know how to convert the measurements to U.S. measurements – any chance you could provide both measurements in your recipes? Thanks, Sheila
13 July 2007, 23:59
I am so excited about a summer class! I can’t wait to see what it is.
13 July 2007, 23:59
I just discovered you a few weeks ago…so this will be my 1st class…woohoo…sooo exciting!
14 July 2007, 00:01
Cool, 5 would be me and my 4 sisters!
14 July 2007, 00:03
YAYYY! I’m enetering for me and my Girlahs… Here’s hoping!
14 July 2007, 00:43
I can’t wait to see the new project on Monday!!!
14 July 2007, 00:46
Fantastic!! Can’t wait to see the new project. Congrats on the life changes you are making!
14 July 2007, 00:50
I love your ideas—-they are always inspiring!
14 July 2007, 00:59
I’m sure I can find 1- pics easily enough. Does it matter that I’m on the other side of the world in Australia. What will be the time difference?
14 July 2007, 01:18
Thank you so much for all of your fantastic ideas and inspiration! Between your baking and your scrapbooking, I think you are the cat’s meow! Can’t wait to see the next project.
14 July 2007, 02:08
Oh,how nice!!! Love it, can’t wait to find out more—and congrats on going FT!
14 July 2007, 03:36
I am excited to see what you have planned!
14 July 2007, 03:38
This sounds like fun! Can’t wait to learn more.
14 July 2007, 03:43
looking forward to joining you in your new class, will be back on Monday
14 July 2007, 05:06
hello friend:)
14 July 2007, 05:44
eeeeh you tease! Well I have 10 photos – do I have 5 friends, that is the question…
14 July 2007, 05:46
Too cool! Been too long! Can’t wait!
14 July 2007, 07:52
Wow – congrats on the career change – you will be very successful and don’t worry, you’ll feel like a pro scrapbooker soon enough! Can’t wait for the new class.
14 July 2007, 09:16
Wow, another Shimelle class – can’t wait
for more details
14 July 2007, 09:42
can’t wait to see the sneak peeks
14 July 2007, 09:58
I’d love to win these passes, I have lots of time over the summer, and the weather in the Netherlands isn’t very summery at all….
14 July 2007, 10:00
Looking forward to the peek on Monday.
14 July 2007, 10:01
Can’t wait for the sneak peek:) Would love to win the passes to the class!
14 July 2007, 10:17
Hope hope hope I am the lucky one – although I might have to advisertise for four friends to scrap with me as IRL my friends aren’t crafty so would have to do some online craft pal hunting! (not that that would be hard I’m sure loads of people would jump at the chance of shimelle special freebie…)
hope hope hope it’s me!
14 July 2007, 10:18
Can’t wait to hear more about the class!
14 July 2007, 11:33
I can’t wait to see what new and exciting class you have come up with!
14 July 2007, 11:48
I’m so excited for you and your new adventures this upcoming year. I hope that you have fun and really gain new insights into your own processes for creating!14 July 2007, 12:21
so much fun, I love your classes! See you at ScrapBowl if not before!
14 July 2007, 12:23
How exiting, it sounds great ! Can’t wait to see the sneaks !
14 July 2007, 12:40
I’m a newbie to your site and love what I see. I can’t wait to see the class!
14 July 2007, 12:52
I’m intrigued! This should be fun!
14 July 2007, 12:56
So happy about the career move (and mildly jealous).
Jean W
14 July 2007, 13:19
Hey, that sounds fun!!
14 July 2007, 13:55
Sounds like a fun class. I’ll be back on Monday to check it out.
14 July 2007, 13:55
Maybe ths class is what I need to get me motivated to scrap again. I’ve been in a HUGE slump.
14 July 2007, 14:04
I have 10 pictures sitting right in front of me! I’m ready to go!
14 July 2007, 14:17
Can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with now! We’re still loving the 4×12 action.
Jean in Joppa
14 July 2007, 14:39
Needing some motivation and inspiration… this class should do it!
14 July 2007, 14:40
I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with.
14 July 2007, 14:47
Have been hoping you’d have a new class soon! will have to hunt out 10 photos now :-) all sounds very intriguing!
14 July 2007, 14:51
Ooooh lovely – might just sign up for some sanity in the holidays!!!! Looking forward to it! xxx
14 July 2007, 16:01
a couples projects….how cool would that be!!!!!
14 July 2007, 16:08
Just wanted to wish you all the best on getting on with the creative stuff full time. You inspire so many people with your style. I hope you keep the fun :)
Suzanne aka fruitysuet
14 July 2007, 16:34
Love your blog and all your super great projects!
14 July 2007, 16:41
Please don’t leave our school miss your a great teacher i just wonder what the english department what will end up like when you go. Please STAY MISS.
14 July 2007, 16:58
Can’t wait to see what the class is :)
14 July 2007, 17:19
I have seen your work in Scrapbook Inspirations and loved it so I will definitely sign up. Well Done for taking the big step, Shimelle.
14 July 2007, 17:30
Off to investigate your new course.
Zoe x
14 July 2007, 18:22
How exciting! The mini-album your did on fiskars TV is one of my fav projects! Looking forward for the class!
14 July 2007, 18:53
Sounds like a cool project! Can’t wait to see the sneek-peek!
14 July 2007, 19:46
Oh, 10 pics. this sounds like fun. can’t wait to see what you have waiting for us!!!
14 July 2007, 20:11
I can hardly wait to see what the new class it – the pictures look intriguing….
14 July 2007, 20:11
Oh! A new class with something inspiring! Can hardly wait to see the details!
14 July 2007, 21:50
This sounds exciting! Can’t wait to see what you have planned for Monday.
14 July 2007, 22:57
oooh Can’t wait till Monday to see!!
14 July 2007, 22:57
Well five is just a perfect number. 4 dear friends and myself regularly scrap together and your generous offer will accomodate each on of us.
14 July 2007, 23:47
Oh I have always wanted to take photography lessons! and I’m about to get a new camera! My dad loves taking photos, too! And so does my best friend! And my aunt… hmm who should I choose if I win?.... SO EXCITED!!!
thanks for the opportunity, Shimelle! :)
14 July 2007, 23:50
oh! so its a scrapbooking class? I love your work! I know a bunch of people who would love to take this class! THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY! so excited!!!
15 July 2007, 00:17
can’t wait till monday! Thanks for the generous offer!
15 July 2007, 00:34
pick me! picl me! pick me! :)
i can’t wait for this next class! :)
15 July 2007, 00:51
Can not wait to see what this class is all about! I have heard great things about your classes.
15 July 2007, 04:08
would love to be in on your class! amazing as always shimelle – you go girl! follow your passion, that will lead you to your bliss :)
15 July 2007, 04:34
A new class… hooray. I’ve been waiting.
15 July 2007, 06:04
Wooo Hooo !!
So much to look forward to , can’t wait til Monday xx
15 July 2007, 06:26
TO SCRAP IS TO TEACH so, now you’ll just be working with different students.saw u’r blog via Cheryl’s-interesting ( current yr6 teacher)
15 July 2007, 07:56
Ooo, it sounds interesting! I’d better save up some money for the class :)
15 July 2007, 08:38
Woh, i can hardly wait to see what your project will be. The foto’s look great.. I’ve been making a few of your projects and they allways give me a happy feelin’.
Keep up this good work!
15 July 2007, 09:24
Congrats on the career shift, and Good luck. I know you’ll do wonderfully. Can’t wait to see the class info.
15 July 2007, 09:46
Congratulations on the life change :D Looking forward to the new class.
15 July 2007, 10:13
Me! Me! Pick me, please!
15 July 2007, 10:38
oooooh can’t wait to see the sneak peek.
Sounds cool.
15 July 2007, 10:59
Fantastic news – can’t wait to play!
15 July 2007, 11:14
did i try for this contest yet? i am cooky for contests.
15 July 2007, 11:50
This is my first time coming here…I am soooo excited to check it out more.
15 July 2007, 12:34
Sounds exciting!
15 July 2007, 12:43
Sounds fun! I cant wait to see sneek peek!
15 July 2007, 12:58
Looking forward to hearing the news.
PS please pick me!!!!!
15 July 2007, 14:04
I can not wait to see the peek at the class. Your classes rock.
15 July 2007, 14:08
can’t wait, really enjoyed the last class I did
15 July 2007, 15:39
Good Luck in your new career Shimelle. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s new class info.
15 July 2007, 16:19
Can’t wait to see what the new class is.
15 July 2007, 17:39
hi, Amelia and I spent today with her 3 best friends(all 10) putting together poundland scrapbook albums about her birthday party. think this one looks good and sure i would have 4 eager 10 yr olds to keep me company.
15 July 2007, 17:52
always love your classes. can’t wait to get started on another one!
15 July 2007, 17:59
I have some WILD photos just waiting to be used….
15 July 2007, 18:03
With 289 people wanting to comment here I am sure this next class will be a roaring success! Can’t wait to find out more.
15 July 2007, 19:25
Oh can’t wait to see the new project!
15 July 2007, 21:15
oh man. i cannot wait for the new class. i totally loved your when i grow up class. it was the best online class i’ve ‘attended’. :o)
15 July 2007, 22:00
this sounds so exciting.. can’t wait for a peek.
15 July 2007, 22:33
I found your blog and love the website. I can’t wait to see the class since we just got back from our beach vacation with our kids and have tons of pictures. My son loves your M and M cupcakes!
15 July 2007, 23:03
Can’t wait to see the details tomorrow…I love your classes!
Stephanie in Maryland
15 July 2007, 23:14
Very exciting! I can’t wait to see more about the new class and am so happy to have found your wonderful site.
15 July 2007, 23:44
SO COOL! Would love a free pass to the class but would love GIVING away 4 passes to someone else even better… Incredibly generous, Shimelle!
16 July 2007, 03:12
So happy to hear you are doing another class! Can’t wait to sign up!
16 July 2007, 03:26
How fun!!! I can’t wait to see what is up!
16 July 2007, 03:36
Took some fab pictures of my kids and niece and nephew at weekend so def be using some of them. Can’t wait to see new challenge.
16 July 2007, 04:44
Hi Shimelle, I am so looking forward to doing one of your classes,and have been looking for it as it is Monday today, but no luck. I have to go to work soon and hope that I do not miss it,will not be back until about 3pm
16 July 2007, 06:28
Looks wonderful! Have never done any of your onlines. thanks for your inspiration!
16 July 2007, 07:58
always love your classes!
16 July 2007, 08:04
Can’t wait to see what wonderful things you will be teaching.
16 July 2007, 09:41
Can’t wait for this class!
16 July 2007, 10:03
Oohh, 10 pics…sounds fabby – and I think I know the pics I have in mind. Can’t wait to see what you have planned….congrats on the change of career btw! Super cool!
16 July 2007, 10:10
Oooooh, I just LOVE your classes! Can’t wait to see this one!
16 July 2007, 10:52
Hi … I’ve done your “I have to confess” class and it was really fun … just don’t know how to buy classes in US from Germany … but I just come and have a look at your site because its so great !!! By Dörte
16 July 2007, 11:38
Fantastic! Can’t wait for another class. I enjoyed the WIGU class so much.
16 July 2007, 12:11
It’s Monday morning! Looking forward to the preview! I love what you do!
16 July 2007, 12:16
looking forward to your new class.
16 July 2007, 12:17
OOO! can I play too?
I LOVE your website, and congrats on the “new” Job- I am so jealous! And keep those tasty cupcakes comming!
16 July 2007, 13:05
I can not let it sit at 313… it doesn’t seem right… I am being impatient I know… but after today I am having trouble being patient for something pretty to look at. Hope your afternoon is going well.
16 July 2007, 14:59
Congratulations on the career change and I’m really looking forward to your next project.
16 July 2007, 15:24
OMG over 300 posts! Will be checking back daily :)
16 July 2007, 15:47
I concur and would love to hear more about your classes.
27 July 2007, 00:27
I would love to take this class!
28 July 2007, 14:03
would love to take another one of your classes. thanks.
26 September 2011, 23:44
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